Is it possible to run Google Chrome in headless mode with extensions?

You can run Chrome with extensions headless using Xvfb.

  1. Install Xvfb. On Fedora sudo dnf install xorg-x11-server-Xvfb
  2. xvfb-run google-chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222 --disable-gpu
  3. Use chrome-remote-interface (or another Chrome Debug Protocol client) to trigger the screenshot.

More complicated, but it does work. It's what we use for headless chrome extension testing.

No, it's not possible, and Chrome developers decided against implementing it in any near future due to complexity of the task.

If you look at that issue you may get the idea that they are still considering it due to ChromeDriver requirements - but instead they decided to make ChromeDriver work without extensions (through DevTools).