How to continue file transfer to LAN target on Windows?

I have a big file, and I wanted to copy it to the other machine. (Both runs on Windows 7 x64.)
The network speed is terrible, so it took hours to get even 25gigs copied over. And then, the network died.

Now I would like to continue the transfer, but I used Total Commander. It can overwrite the file and such, but I want to continue. I'd prefer to continue, and keep the already copied portion.

What software can do this?
I've checked Robocopy, TeraCopy and Total Commander. No luck so far.

I don't believe that any program exists that can resume a copy started by a different program. To resume a partial transfer you would have to use the same program that started it, assuming it supports that (and it sounds like yours doesn't). With a network that flaky, I would suggest copying it via USB drive. If you don't have a USB drive large enough to fit the entire file, you can break it up using a tool like File Splitter and transfer it a piece at a time. Actually, doing it this way and using two drives (1 to copy from source and 1 to copy to destination, simultaneously) would effectively double your throughput.