We accomplished this by providing a custom ExchangeFunction that simply returns the response we want to the WebClientBuilder:

webClient = WebClient.builder()
            .exchangeFunction(clientRequest -> 
                    .header("content-type", "application/json")
                    .body("{ \"key\" : \"value\"}")

myHttpService = new MyHttpService(webClient);

Map<String, String> result = myHttpService.callService().block();

// Do assertions here

If we want to use Mokcito to verify if the call was made or reuse the WebClient accross multiple unit tests in the class, we could also mock the exchange function:

private ExchangeFunction exchangeFunction;

void init() {
    WebClient webClient = WebClient.builder()

    myHttpService = new MyHttpService(webClient);

void callService() {
    Map<String, String> result = myHttpService.callService().block();


    // Do assertions here

Note: If you get null pointer exceptions related to publishers on the when call, your IDE might have imported Mono.when instead of Mockito.when.


With the following method it was possible to mock the WebClient with Mockito for calls like this:

.header(headerName, headerValue)


.headers(hs -> hs.addAll(headers));

Mock method:

private static WebClient getWebClientMock(final String resp) {
    final var mock = Mockito.mock(WebClient.class);
    final var uriSpecMock = Mockito.mock(WebClient.RequestHeadersUriSpec.class);
    final var headersSpecMock = Mockito.mock(WebClient.RequestHeadersSpec.class);
    final var responseSpecMock = Mockito.mock(WebClient.ResponseSpec.class);

    when(headersSpecMock.header(notNull(), notNull())).thenReturn(headersSpecMock);

    return mock;

You can use MockWebServer by the OkHttp team. Basically, the Spring team uses it for their tests too (at least how they said here). Here is an example with reference to a source:

According to Tim's blog post let's consider that we have the following service:

class ApiCaller {
   private WebClient webClient;
   ApiCaller(WebClient webClient) {
      this.webClient = webClient;
   Mono<SimpleResponseDto> callApi() {
       return webClient.put()
                       .header("Authorization", "customAuth")
                       .syncBody(new SimpleRequestDto())

then the test could be designed in the following way (comparing to origin I changed the way how async chains should be tested in Reactor using StepVerifier):

class ApiCallerTest {
  private final MockWebServer mockWebServer = new MockWebServer();
  private final ApiCaller apiCaller = new ApiCaller(WebClient.create(mockWebServer.url("/").toString()));
  void tearDown() throws IOException {
  void call() throws InterruptedException {
       mockWebServer.enqueue(new MockResponse().setResponseCode(200)
                                               .setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
                                               .setBody("{\"y\": \"value for y\", \"z\": 789}")
      //Asserting response
                  .assertNext(res -> {
                        assertEquals("value for y", res.getY());
                        assertEquals("789", res.getZ());
     //Asserting request
     RecordedRequest recordedRequest = mockWebServer.takeRequest();
     //use method provided by MockWebServer to assert the request header
     DocumentContext context = >JsonPath.parse(recordedRequest.getBody().inputStream());
     //use JsonPath library to assert the request body
     assertThat(context, isJson(allOf(
            withJsonPath("$.a", is("value1")),
            withJsonPath("$.b", is(123))

I use WireMock for integration testing. I think it is much better and supports more functions than OkHttp MockeWebServer. Here is simple example:

public class WireMockTest {

  WireMockServer wireMockServer;
  WebClient webClient;

  void setUp() throws Exception {
    wireMockServer = new WireMockServer(WireMockConfiguration.wireMockConfig().dynamicPort());
    webClient = WebClient.builder().baseUrl(wireMockServer.baseUrl()).build();

  void testWireMock() {

    String body = webClient.get()
    assertEquals("hello", body);

  void tearDown() throws Exception {


If you really want to mock it I recommend JMockit. There isn't necessary call when many times and you can use the same call like it is in your tested code.

void testJMockit(@Injectable WebClient webClient) {
  new Expectations() {{
      result = Mono.just("hello");

  String body = webClient.get()
  assertEquals("hello", body);

Wire mocks is suitable for integration tests, while I believe it's not needed for unit tests. While doing unit tests, I will just be interested to know if my WebClient was called with the desired parameters. For that you need a mock of the WebClient instance. Or you could inject a WebClientBuilder instead.

Let's consider the simplified method which does a post request like below.

public class RestAdapter {

    public static final String BASE_URI = "http://some/uri";
    public static final String SUB_URI = "some/endpoint";

    private WebClient.Builder webClientBuilder;

    private WebClient webClient;

    protected void initialize() {
        webClient = webClientBuilder.baseUrl(BASE_URI).build();

    public Mono<String> createSomething(String jsonDetails) {

        return webClient.post()
                .body(Mono.just(jsonDetails), String.class)

The method createSomething just accepts a String, assumed as Json for simplicity of the example, does a post request on a URI and returns the output response body which is assumed as a String.

The method can be unit tested as below, with StepVerifier.

public class RestAdapterTest {
    private static final String JSON_INPUT = "{\"name\": \"Test name\"}";
    private static final String TEST_ID = "Test Id";

    private WebClient.Builder webClientBuilder = mock(WebClient.Builder.class);
    private WebClient webClient = mock(WebClient.class);

    private RestAdapter adapter = new RestAdapter();
    private WebClient.RequestBodyUriSpec requestBodyUriSpec = mock(WebClient.RequestBodyUriSpec.class);
    private WebClient.RequestBodySpec requestBodySpec = mock(WebClient.RequestBodySpec.class);
    private WebClient.RequestHeadersSpec requestHeadersSpec = mock(WebClient.RequestHeadersSpec.class);
    private WebClient.ResponseSpec responseSpec = mock(WebClient.ResponseSpec.class);

    void setup() {

    void createSomething_withSuccessfulDownstreamResponse_shouldReturnCreatedObjectId() {
        when(requestBodySpec.body(any(Mono.class), eq(String.class)))

        ArgumentCaptor<Mono<String>> captor
                = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Mono.class);

        Mono<String> result = adapter.createSomething(JSON_INPUT);

        verify(requestBodySpec).body(captor.capture(), eq(String.class));
        Mono<String> testBody = captor.getValue();
        assertThat(testBody.block(), equalTo(JSON_INPUT));

Note that the 'when' statements test all the parameters except the request Body. Even if one of the parameters mismatches, the unit test fails, thereby asserting all these. Then, the request body is asserted in a separate verify and assert as the 'Mono' cannot be equated. The result is then verified using step verifier.

And then, we can do an integration test with wire mock, as mentioned in the other answers, to see if this class wires properly, and calls the endpoint with the desired body, etc.