Is there a specific term for nullifying an intentional insult by accepting it as a compliment? [duplicate]

For Example: 1.) Women turned Trump’s insulting “Grab’em by the pussy!” into “Pussy Hats” that they sported proudly in The Women’s March. 2.) Trump also attempted to humiliate Hillary Clinton by comments about her pantsuits, and both men and women rallied by founding “The Pantsuit Nation” and by proudly wearing pantsuits to express their support of HRC.

This is called Reappropriation or Reclamation.

In sociology and cultural studies, reappropriation or reclamation is the cultural process by which a group reclaims terms or artifacts that were previously used in a way disparaging of that group.

TV Tropes calls it Insult Backfire:

…this is for when Alice comments on a trait of Bob's in a way that's intended to sound negative — but instead of being insulted, Bob acts flattered.