Word to describe a company that pretends to do the right thing? [closed]

What word(s) would you use to describe a business or company that pretends to do the legal/right thing regarding employees, but in reality the company does not care.

This issue pertains to legalities in the workplace, and the company in question is barely doing what is "legal" about this problem so they don't get sued. In fact, they are doing nothing at all to resolve or fix this problem.

I need some words or short descriptions I could use in a court of law, and on legal documents to describe this company.

We call this practice "paying lip service" to something:

pay lip service
Fig. to express loyalty, respect, or support for something insincerely

The Free Dictionary Online

When you're doing something solely out of duty, and have little interest in the task, and apply minimal effort, the word to describe that behavior is "perfunctory".

Here's an example sentence: A manager who disrespects his employees shouldn't expect more than perfunctory birthday wishes from them.

done without care or interest or merely as a form or routine; superficial


"Guise of compliance" is somewhat idiomatic here -


They [compliance officers] want to make sure that they are not manipulated to get something accomplished under the guise of compliance that management hasn't been able to accomplish otherwise ...

In Search of Health Care Compliance 2001 By Roy Snell, Debbie Troklus