How to install ant & ivy?

How did you install ivy? In any case you need to put ivy.jar (from in any of the listed directories

  • /usr/share/ant/lib
  • ${HOME}/.ant/lib (in your case /home/zeigfreid/.ant/lib)

You can check what and is loading if you execute it with the -v option (verbose)

This seems to be a common issue, as I had the same problem. After installing ivy with apt-get, it didn't show up in the desired folders, but in:


(You may have to update your mlocate database with updatedb and then use locate ivy to find it.)

To solve this: create a link in the /usr/share/ant/lib/

sudo ln -s -T /usr/share/java/ivy.jar /usr/share/ant/lib/ivy.jar

Note, that /usr/share/java/ivy.jar is a link itself.

I found very useful to let ant to install ivy, see automatically installation.

This way the only operating system dependency is ant, and there is no need to add extra configuration like ANT_OPTS or classpath.