HP Laser Jet 1020 plus installation

Now I have got some easier solution to my own problem:

Just use the command : hp-doctor

I had to answer some question during the process. And it downloaded all the necessary drivers / plug-ins. That's all.

Here is the way how OP has solved his problem in this comment,

Step-1 :

Change directory to Downloads where the hplip will be downloaded. Write in a terminal,

cd ~/Downloads

Step-2 :

Download hplip-3.13.11.run from the terminal using wget as,

wget -c http://kaz.dl.sourceforge.net/project/hplip/hplip/3.13.11/hplip-3.13.11.run%22

Note: Newer version of hplip is available. you can check sourceforge.net

Step-3 :

Run the package as superuser. You may need to use the package name that you downloaded. Here,

sudo sh hplip-3.13.11.run

Step-4 :

Install hplip-gui using apt from the terminal as,

sudo apt-get install hplip-gui