How to disable Facebook single sign on for android - Facebook-android-sdk

SSO for facebook android gives me invalid_key every time, i tried to debug by every means but it is not working. So is there any way/hack to disable Single Sign on and work with web view authenticating method even if Facebook App is installed on device...

Solution 1:

ohh, Got answer make call to authorize method with activity code FACEBOOK.FORCE_DIALOG_AUTH mFacebook.authorize(activity, permissions, activityCode, listener); replace activityCode with FORCE_DIALOG_AUTH

Solution 2:

You likely don't want to use FORCE_DIALOG_AUTH as the solution because this disables the very useful Single Sign On feature completely. Instead, if you go through the steps of setting up your application properly with Facebook, that should address the invalid_key issues. You can find a detailed explanation of this on my blog:

Solution 3:

The invalid key issue could be because of a number of reasons, some of which I've detailed in this answer