MapView rendering with tiles missing with an "x" in the center

Solution 1:

Ok. After starting from a clean project I found these two lines of code that was the culprit.



They appeared back to back of each other and I looked back at the very beginning of development and they were there and it worked just fine. Apparently, this is a BUG in the MapView as I'm guessing it tries to show both SateliteView and StreetView at the same time. One would think that the latter would override the former; but I guess not.

So, the question I have is, why this all of the sudden surfaced just within the last week or so. My guess is that the Maps Application was last updated in the market on Sept 8th and maybe a day or so after updating from the market, this issue started to resurface.

As a test, can someone just add these two lines to their code and confirm you get the same behavior?

Solution 2:

I had only setStreetView(true) and getting those annoying grey boxes. I played around with both lines with no luck. Solved it by removing both setStreeView and setSatellite from my code, goes to streetview by default.

Solution 3:

I had the same problem with my app that uses google maps library... Because i have in my setting option where user can change view of the map to Satelite or Street, i dont use setStreetView(true) at all...just mapView.setSatelite(true or false)...

preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
        pogled = preferences.getString("list", "Street");

        }else if (pogled.equalsIgnoreCase("Satelite")) {

As you can see i had mapView.setStreetView(true) but that gave me a headache... :D I hope this will help you...

Solution 4:

I removed setStreetview(true) from my code and now its working fine i was saw this issue occured in last 2 weeks , nyway we finally solved the issue thats great