Word for "other people who have the same issue/problem as I have"?

This is for a tech support or customer support case. I need a single-word tag labeling other people who share my issue.

You might use "users affected" or "users impacted." (Or simply "affected" or "impacted," but those look a little awkward, not technically being nouns.)

It may reek of legalese, but I think co-complainant pretty well covers it.

Based on your use case, here are some suggestions:

  • corroborators
  • endorsers
  • followers
  • cases, incidences

How about "commiserators"? Not exactly what you're looking for, but it's kind of close.

Webster.com definition:

Commiserate - to feel or express sympathy

Although I feel the connotations are usually more along the lines of what you are looking for.

Thefreedictionary.com says:

Commiserate (v.intr.) To feel or express sympathy: commiserated over their failure.

Victims could fit. It's a little overstated but it covers the idea.