When I start the Ubuntu ISO, initramfs says "unable to find a medium containing a live file system"

When I start the Ubuntu ISO(13.10) on a USB, initramfs says "unable to find a medium containing a live file system".

These are my PC specs: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/PoniesFiM/saved/39dy

I have Windows 8.1(64 bit, with Update 1) installed on this computer. Other computers that I tried with the same USB didn't give the error.

What I tried to fix this:

  • Switching from IDE to AHCI(I already did it before on this computer).
  • Using other USB ports.
  • Switching from USB 3.0 to 2.0(and backwards).
  • Switching from UEFI to Legacy(and backwards).

Nothing that I know works right now. Are there any possible solutions?

Using Ubuntu 17.04 ISO on a SanDisk 32GB USB stick. My m/board is ASROCK B250M. None of the suggestions I read online worked for me. I noticed, though, that the USB stick was mounted when I pulled it out and plugged it back in, so when the installation was showing the Ubuntu 'wait' screen with flashing dots, I figured it was looking for the installation media, so I pulled out the USB stick and pushed it back in. Hey presto! - the installation media was found and I managed to install Ubuntu.

I had the same problem, trying to boot Ubuntu Mate 14.04. For me, enabling the IOMMU Controller in the BIOS solved the problem. Press 'Del' to enter the BIOS, then go to 'Peripherals' --> 'IOMMU Controller' --> 'Enabled'. Worth a try.

My motherboard: Gigabyte 990XA-UD3

I had the same problem on Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop x64 iso file (14.04 does not make any problems). File integrity is ok, but having the same issue. I have solved that issue by using my pen driver on a USB 3.0 port rahter than USB 2.0. Just thought it might help.