Change the language of the home/user/ folders automatically

When I changed my language/locale settings, a window popped up asking me if I wanted to rename Documents, Music, Video, Downloads, to the new language.

I was worried that this might be some irreversible operation and said no and ticked the don't ask me again box.

Now I want the system to change the folders name automatically when I switch to another language automatically. Is there a way to do this? or to make the popping window appear again?


When you told it to not ask you again, it probably removed the file


You can re-create that file. Assuming that the folders currently have English names, open a terminal window and run:

echo 'en_US' > ~/.config/user-dirs.locale

The popping window will show itself if you will change language again. You can use xprop command to get this window's name.

To update folder locations after you renamed/moved them, you have to edit .config/user-dirs.dirs and put there new folder locations.

And, finally, you have to run xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update or xdg-user-dirs-update.