The Erdős-Straus Conjecture (ESC), states that for every natural number $n \geq 2$, there exists a set of natural numbers $a, b, c$ , such that the following equation is satisfied:


The basic approach to solving this problem outlined by Mordell [Ref1] is described below

By defining $t$ and $m$ as positive integers greater than zero and $q$ a positive integer greater than one we can observe that

a) There is always a solution for even $n$, since if $n=2^qt$ we have the trivial solution $$\frac{4}{4t}=\frac{1}{t}$$

In the remaining case $n=2(2t+1)$, a solution in the form of two Egyptian fractions can always be found e.g. $$\frac{4}{2(2t+1)}=\frac{2}{2t+1}=\frac{1}{t+1}+\frac{1}{(t+1)(2t+1)}$$

b) If $(1)$ is a solution for some particular prime $n$ then all composite numbers $mn$ divisible by $n$ are also solutions, thus


will also be a solution. This means that we can simplify the analysis to the cases where $n$ is a prime greater than 2.

Using Mordell's approach we have just shown that we only need to consider the cases where $n$ is prime and where $n \equiv 1 \pmod{2} \;\;[meaning \;\;n=2t+1]$

The argument continues...

Mordell goes on to show in turn that the search can be reduced further to the cases when $$n \equiv 1 \pmod{4} \;\;[meaning \;numbers \;\;n=4t+1]$$ $$n \equiv 1 \pmod{8} \;\;[meaning \;numbers \;\;n=8t+1]$$ $$n \equiv 1 \pmod{3} \;\;[meaning \;numbers \;\;n=3t+1]$$ $$n \equiv 1,2,4 \pmod{7} \;\;[meaning \;numbers \;\;n=7t+1,n=7t+2 \;or\;n=7t+4 ]$$ $$n \equiv 1,4 \pmod{5} \;\;[meaning \;numbers \;\; n=5t+1 \;or\;n=5t+4]$$

Assembling these results together, Mordell showed that the conjecture can be proved in this context except for the cases when $$n \equiv 1,11^2,13^2,17^2,19^2,23^2 \pmod{840}$$

Mordell stated that since the first prime meeting this condition is 1009, this is proof that the conjecture holds for $n<1009$.

This basic approach can be pursued further. Other workers have shown that the conjecture holds for much higher values of $n$ using similar methods as can be seen on the above Wikipedia page.

Note that other intermediate results can be constructed from the above congruence's, e.g. $n \equiv 1 \pmod{24}$.

The question is:

Are there any other elementary approaches to solving this problem than the one outlined by Mordell (and described above)?

[Ref1] Louis J. Mordell (1969) Diophantine Equations, Academic Press, London, pp. 287-290.

Solution 1:

For the equation: $$\frac{4}{q}=\frac{1}{x}+\frac{1}{y}+\frac{1}{z}$$

The solution can be written using the factorization, as follows.


Then the solutions have the form:




I usually choose the number $L$ such that the difference: $(4L-q)$ was equal to: $1,2,3,4$ Although your desire you can choose other.

You can write a little differently. If unfold like this:


The solutions have the form:




Solution 2:

When $N$ is pair, then the solution is $$\frac1N + \frac{1}{N/2} + \frac1N = \frac4N.$$

When $N$ is a multiple of $3$, then the solution is $$\frac1{4N} + \frac1{N/3} + \frac1{4N/3} = \frac4N.$$

Solution 3:

"Are there any other elementary approaches to solving this problem..." - this question is not asked properly, as this problem is not solved, only partially, as to my best knowledge (I mean I see this question is old, but it seems to also be true now). So if the question is about how to find residue classes other than Mordell's, but still not covering all primes thus not proving the conjecture, then I can show that the following $n$'s are all possible to be expanded into 3 terms $\forall p, x \in \mathbb{Z}^+$:
$n = (4p - 1)x - 1$
$n = (4p - 1)x - p$
The smallest prime number that is not covered by Mordell's residue classes is $4201$ that can be produced with the former, and is $1009$ with the latter.
You can see the identity here, in Part IV. - II. (little after the middle).

I attributed the above identities to myself, but Mordell would possibly kick me in the butt: he got all the residue classes from the condition $na + b + c = 4abcd$.
If I let $a = b = 1$, then $n = (4d - 1)c - 1$, and
if I let $a = d = 1$, then $n = (4c - 1)b - c$, so the above can be produced from his condition, they are just not part of the usual residue class analyses, I guess because they are hard to handle.