Visual studio code changes format (React-JSX)

In the end what did the trick was changing the file format from JavaScript to JavaScript React on the bottom toolbar. I'm publishing it here for future reference since I didn't find any documentation on this topic.

enter image description here

In addition to the above. If you click 'Configure File Association for .js' you can set all .js files to Javascript React

change vscode preferences settings > user settings below:

"files.associations": {

You can prevent VSC from incorrectly formatting your JSX by adding an association in your settings.json

Code > Preferences > Settings

In the settings window search for associations, click edit in settings.json and then add:

"files.associations": {
    "*.js": "javascriptreact"

Alternatively, saving the file with a .jsx extension resolves this in vscode.

I had the same challenge and I am hoping to discover a better way of handling this issue in vscode.

I noticed your suggested work-around has to be done each time you open the react file with an extension of .js