"intel_rapl: no valid rapl domains" message upon boot

Solution 1:

This was a change introduced in October 2013 to support Intel RAPL power capping driver in the Linux kernel. This message is non-obstructive, and when it appears it doesn't affect the performance or functionality of the system, since it's only a power management module.

If your virtualization software supports this driver (and the host supports advanced power features) then the message disappears.

You can check the source tree of the module to check what it does.

Solution 2:

I know in VirtualBox you can enable PAE/NX which will solve "no valid rapl domains found in package" on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I don't know how about ESXI if it supports PAE/NX or not.

Virtual Box Enable PAE/NX

Solution 3:

edit the *.vmx file and set paevm = "TRUE" in order to enable PAE - or blacklist the module:

echo 'blacklist intel_rapl' >> /etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf
mkinitcpio -p linux