What is the command line statement for changing the System clock?

To set the time in Ubuntu from the terminal, you can use the following command:

sudo date new_date_time_string

where new_date_time_string has to follow the format MMDDhhmmyyyy.ss which is described below:

  • MM is a two digit month, between 01 to 12
  • DD is a two digit day, between 01 and 31, with the regular rules for days according to month and year applying
  • hh is two digit hour, using the 24-hour period so it is between 00 and 23
  • mm is two digit minute, between 00 and 59
  • yyyy is the year; it can be two digit or four digit
  • ss is two digit seconds. Notice the period . before the ss.

Source: Manage Time in Ubuntu Through Command Line.

So, in your particular case, you can use:

sudo date 010224311971.59

Or, you can use:

sudo date --set="1971-01-02 23:31:59.990"  && date --rfc-3339=ns

which is exactly what you asked.


  • How do I set current Unix time in milliseconds?

The easy way:

ntpdate -s ntp.ubuntu.com

To change the timezone:

dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Probably you need sudo.

You can use the date command to change the time and you'll need sudo permission to do it; an example to set the date to 27 June 2014 and the time to 1:17 AM is:

sudo date --set "27 Jun 2014 1:17:00"

Since systemd was introducted in Ubuntu, the correct way is:

# timedatectl set-time "RFC 3339-compliant string"


# timedatectl set-time "2002-10-02T10:00:00-05:00"
# timedatectl set-time "10:35"
# timedatectl set-time "+2 hours"