Ubuntu 13.10 to 14.04 Lts does not upgrade, keeps showing error [closed]

The update from Ubuntu 13.10 to 14.04 LTS does not work it keeps showing me an error as could not calculate the upgrade, even when I want it to get updated from the terminal it says the same error. I did not use the beta its the final Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.I have restarted my laptop for like 5-10 times no change. Disabling the software sources also does not help. enter image description here

I have solved the same problem running

sudo apt-get remove libaccount-plugin-google

How I have found this? I have checked the last error from my "/var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log" and it was related to unmet dependency of libaccount-plugin-google

I have no idea if this works for you also. gl&hf