Use apt-get source on a debian repo without using /etc/apt/source.list

I'm trying to use apt-get source as a regular user on a debian squeeze system.

I want to retrieve the sources for cyrus-imapd-2.4 from the testing/wheezy repository.

apt-get source works without root privileges; however, it seems there is no way to get apt-get to fetch anything from a repository that is not in /etc/apt/sources.list.

Is there any command line option, alternate sources.list file, environment variable that will get apt to work with a custom repository ?

I do have root access so I could change the /etc/apt/sources.list, however I really do not want to do that for a number of reason.

So, I worked out a solution both using the most useful information from Dennis and Olaf answers. This involves using a custom config script for apt, with some more options.

Dir::State "some-dir/tmp/var/lib/apt";
Dir::State::status "some-dir/tmp/var/lib/dpkg/status";
Dir::Etc::SourceList "some-dir/tmp/etc/apt.sources.list";
Dir::Cache "some-dir/tmp/var/cache/apt";
pkgCacheGen::Essential "none";

All the directories and files referenced here must exist on the file system, and there is some more commands to issue to get apt to work as intended:

builduser@host$ mkdir some-dir/tmp/var/lib/apt/partial
builduser@host$ mkdir some-dir/tmp/var/cache/apt/archives/partial
builduser@host$ touch some-dir/tmp/var

My some-dir/etc/apt.sources.list file looks like this:

deb-src wheezy main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy/updates main contrib non-free

I was then able to sucessfully download the cyrus-imapd-2.4 source package from the Wheezy repos as a regular user on Squeeze, by issuing the following commands:

builduser@host$ apt-get update -c some-dir/etc/apt.conf
builduser@host$ apt-get source cyrus-imapd-2.4 -c some-dir/etc/apt.conf 

For those interested in the following step - building that cyrus package as non root - the answer lies here.

From man apt-get:

-c, --config-file  
    Configuration File. Specify a configuration file to use. The program will
    read the default configuration file and then this configuration file.
    See apt.conf(5) for syntax information. 
-o, --option
    Set a Configuration Option. This will set an arbitrary configuration option.
    The syntax is -o Foo::Bar=bar.


    Locations to fetch packages from. 
Configuration Item: Dir::Etc::SourceList.

So, it seems, you can build your own config file and use that or set Dir::Etc::SourceList on the command line -o Dir::Etc::SourceList=/path/to/my/sources.list

You can probably muck about with setting Dir::Etc and Dir::State (apt-get -o Dir::State=/tmp/var ....). See /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/configure-index.gz for all available variables.