Is there an app that will let me drag/drop and copy/paste across two Macs?

I've got two Macs sitting right next to each other and I'm logged on to both of them. Is there some app that will allow me to drag and drop across the two of them? Specifically, I'm trying to share snippets of text. I could upload the text to a website or put it into a file and sync it via AirDrop or DropBox, but if there's an app that would "combine" the desktops while allowing me to remain logged in to both machines, that would be phenomenal. Is there such an app?


To clarify, I'd like my two desktops to behave as though they were two "spaces" next to each other on one computer, despite that their both logged in from separate user accounts on different machines. I'm not looking for a file-sharing solution.

Solution 1:

The app can do that can do what you want is Apple Remote Desktop. You can drag&Drop files from desktop to desktop and get and push clipboards from and to other computer.

The best set is to have 2 monitors (having the remote desktop fullscreen-ed), so that you can stare at the two computers at the same time. If you don't, you will have a window with the desktop of your second mac.

Another advantage of this solution is to you only have one keyboard and one mouse in front of you. And you can also put the second computer away from your desk. You just need to have it connected to you network.

Solution 2:

Another option is Synergy. It let you work with one set of keyboard/mouse and multiple computers (Mac, Linux and Windows).

The two Macs would have to be connected through network to work.

I used this open-source software at work to share a Windows and Linux machine. Copy/Paste of text was an important part too and it worked well.

Maybe it's a bit of an overkill if you're only looking for a kind of shared clipboard but worth a try.