How do I create and save multiple iPhone backups in iTunes?

Solution 1:

Well, there is always the option to copy the contents of

~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup

to some other place on a regular basis.

Solution 2:

Is there a way to create and save multiple backups? If so how is it done?

Other than manually or programmatically copying the files from ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup to some other location, Time Machine is your best solution here, and will provide months of mobile device backups. You are running Time Machine on your Mac, yes? If not, a small external USB hard disk is really cheap insurance. Purchase 2 of them and have rotating backups. Keep one drive off-site for peace of mind.

Solution 3:

In iTunes, choose Preferences. Next, choose the Devices tab. You'll be presented with a list of Device backups. Select the most recent backup for the device in question. Invoke the popup menu for that backup; three choices are available. Select Archive and the backup will be archived with date and timestamp.

Now you have an archive that won't be overwritten on the next backup cycle. Do this with every backup you want to archive and you'll have a library of multiple backups.

See example here: enter image description here