Antonym for the adjectival form of "honorific"

Solution 1:

In the context of an English speaker learning the Korean language. When speaking or writing in Korean, honorific is the standard style of speaking expected when one person is speaking to another person who is of a higher class, age or status. So, for me to speak to someone of a higher class, age or status in any form other than honorific would be deemed disrespectful, impolite or rude. In contrast, it is expected that I would not use honorific style when speaking to someone of a lower class, age or status or someone with whom I have an intimate relationship. Therefore, I believe appropriate antonyms for honorific would be: colloquial, casual or informal.

Solution 2:

disrespectful antonym of honorific

exhibiting lack of respect; rude and discourteous Usage: remarks disrespectful of the law; disrespectful in the presence of his parents; disrespectful toward his teacher