Parental Controls flooded system.log with errors

I was digging around for fun, and found that my system.log was flooded with errors. Here is the output of sudo cat system.log | tail -8:

Mar 19 15:33:06 THE-COMPUTER parentalcontrolsd[113]: -[ActivityTracker appDidLaunchOrBecomeFront:launched:] [1844:ezra] -- Got an error when saving MOC: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=259 UserInfo=0x34dd00 "The file “” couldn’t be opened because it isn’t in the correct format."
Mar 19 15:33:57 THE-COMPUTER parentalcontrolsd[113]: -[ActivityTracker appDidLaunchOrBecomeFront:launched:] [1844:ezra] -- Got an error when saving MOC: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=259 UserInfo=0x12a6d0 "The file “” couldn’t be opened because it isn’t in the correct format."
Mar 19 15:34:02 THE-COMPUTER parentalcontrolsd[113]: -[ActivityTracker appDidLaunchOrBecomeFront:launched:] [1844:ezra] -- Got an error when saving MOC: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=259 UserInfo=0x129b50 "The file “” couldn’t be opened because it isn’t in the correct format."
Mar 19 15:34:17 THE-COMPUTER Safari[155]: __CFServiceControllerBeginPBSLoadForLocalizations timed out while talking to pbs
Mar 19 15:34:29 THE-COMPUTER parentalcontrolsd[113]: -[ActivityTracker saveData] [411:ezra] -- Got an error when saving MOC: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=259 UserInfo=0x3451c0 "The file “” couldn’t be opened because it isn’t in the correct format."
Mar 19 15:34:37 THE-COMPUTER parentalcontrolsd[113]: -[ActivityTracker appDidLaunchOrBecomeFront:launched:] [1844:ezra] -- Got an error when saving MOC: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=259 UserInfo=0x3535d0 "The file “” couldn’t be opened because it isn’t in the correct format."
Mar 19 15:34:42 THE-COMPUTER parentalcontrolsd[113]: -[ActivityTracker appDidLaunchOrBecomeFront:launched:] [1844:ezra] -- Got an error when saving MOC: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=259 UserInfo=0x12bbb0 "The file “” couldn’t be opened because it isn’t in the correct format."
Mar 19 15:35:56 THE-COMPUTER parentalcontrolsd[113]: -[ActivityTracker appDidLaunchOrBecomeFront:launched:] [1844:ezra] -- Got an error when saving MOC: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=259 UserInfo=0x34aee0 "The file “” couldn’t be opened because it isn’t in the correct format."

These seem to be messages from Parental Controls, but what do they mean? Also, they are going on all the time. Could anyone shed some light??

Solution 1:

I had to remove the account with Parental Controls and stop using that feature. It became a CPU melter in my case. You may also want to upgrade to Mac OS X 10.6.8.