Is there an app on Cydia that will let me turn off dock audio?

I have an iPhone 4 with some slight water damage. The only issue is that when I am listening on headphones, occasionally it thinks that it is docked (which silences the headphones), then half a second to 10 seconds later, it thinks it has been removed from the dock that it was never connected to and thus pauses the audio. Since all this happens in the OS while it monitors the status of the headphone jack and the media dock, it would be very easy to write a program to tell it to stop polling the media dock, and thus the faulty dock detection switch would be ignored. So, has someone already written an iPhone app that is on Cydia that would let me turn off the dock detector switch?

Unfortunately, this would require some very specific code that goes beyond anything I've seen on Cydia. That's not to say that a solution does not (or will not by the time I finish this post) exist. However, through my research and experience, this is handled by code much deeper in iOS than most Cydia apps care to touch. I wish I could offer a solution, but unfortunately, I think the only "real" solution is repair or replacement. Sorry. :(

Good luck and happy listening!