View contents of database created with Room Persistence Library

Solution 1:

In older Android Studio versions:

Emulator -> Android Studio -> Device File Explorer -> /data/data/{$packageId}/databases/ -> Save As ->

In later Android Studio versions (3.5+):

View -> Tool Windows -> Device File Explorer -> /data/data/{$packageId}/databases/ -> Save As ->

Solution 2:

in android studio 3.1.*

in tool window bar click on "Device File explorer" generally you can find this in bottom right corner of the screenn

open directory in data/data/your-application-package/databases

with new architecture 3 files is created in databases directory


you have to export all 3 in the same directory

then open first one file (that is with your-database-name only ) in any sqlite browser.

and now you can see all your data .......


these two extra files are needed to open db file if you will open database file only, than you will not found any table in that file

Solution 3:

Database Inspector Officially Support in Android Studio

Previouslly, Database Inspector start to include in Android Studio 4.1 canary channel, now it is already build in with the latest version of Android Studio Arctic Fox.

Now, Database Inspector is under the App Inspection Tab. You have to choose your connected device, then need to choose package name that you want to inspect for database.

In the left side, show the available tables and need to double click to see table details, and it will be show in the right side.enter image description here.

Option 1

You can use Android-Debug-Database, and you can CRUD of your data from a browser, and then you can see your Preference data from a browser.

Option 2

If you don't want to use from Browser and you have to check other files,need to check your data changes, use a Genymotion Emulator.So you have to root your emulator.Try to Root your emulator, plz see in Let me know if you are not OK.