Sourcetree remote: Invalid username or password

I found the answer here, it is a known bug for version 2.1.8+

The following steps fixed it for me:

Tools > Options > Git > Update Embedded Git

Also pushing with the command line works.


Also adding @Latisha's answer:

1. Do the above.
2. Close Sourcetree
3. Delete AppData\Local\Atlassian\SourceTree\passwd 
4. Restart SourceTree

I struggled with this a lot, what solved it for me on my Mac is:

  • Open finder, click Cmd + Shift + g
  • enter ~/Library/
  • Go to Application Support/SourceTree folder
  • delete
  • Open KeyChain Access
  • search for sourctree
  • delete the 'login' item
  • clone your source from bitbucket
  • KeyChain will ask for you bitbucket pass

I had the same problem for Sourcetree 2.10, but with the above solution not working.

Reverting to version 2.0 solved it.

Sourcetree download archive: (

I faced this issue when i updated Embedded Git. Solved it by removing passwd file. you can find it here. then restart source tree.


For OSX following by steps below

Go to: Preferences -> Advance -> Choose the account in table you want to remove -> Click to remove enter image description here