How to disable the middle button scrolling in Chrome

When I press middle mouse button, it opens:

alt text

It is so difficult to control the scrolling. Is there any way to disable this?

Solution 1:

Update 27 Jul 2020: It appears that the following extension is no longer in the Chrome Store. I still have it installed and it was not removed. I'm looking into whether I can find out more info...

For those interested, the entirety of the source for the extension is as follows. This may also work as a Tampermonkey user script.

var target;

window.addEventListener('mousedown', function(mouseEvent) {
  if(mouseEvent.button != 1)
  target =;

}, true);

There's an extension named (incorrectly) "No Smooth Scrolling" which disables this:

Solution 2:

The No Smooth Scroll 2 Chrome Web Store extension (which is similar to the no-longer-available extension No Smooth Scrolling) successfully disables middle-button-automatic-scrolling in Chrome 89 on Windows, but continues to allow other middle-button actions (open link in new tab, close tab, etc.)

The extension's source code is:

document.addEventListener("mousedown", function(mouseEvent) {
    if (mouseEvent.button != 1) {

Solution 3:

Get the latest drivers for your mouse and see if you can reassign the wheel click to a macro through its settings.

It should be reassigned to: Middle-click [very short sleep] ESC

If you can't get drivers with this feature, I suggest you write a very simple script in Autohotkey to do the exact same thing.

It should look something like this:

#IfWinActive ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1
Click Middle
Sleep 10
Sendinput {ESC}