How do I FTP multiple files from the command line?

Solution 1:

Before issuing the mput command, issue a prompt command to disable Interactive Mode. Once that's off it shouldn't ask you to confirm each file for the mput (or an mget).

Solution 2:

I've never tried using the pathname for local folders, but I have done it by changing the local directory (lcd):

cd "/destinationfolder"
lcd Backup
mput *.bak

Solution 3:

Try inserting the line prompt n just before the mput line

Solution 4:

Use the mput command to put multiple files.

Solution 5:

If you have administrator rights, you can install ncftpput. It is easy to use and great for recursive FTP uploads. The switch for recursive transfer is -R.

The software is included in most Linux distributions. For Windows it is installable with Cygwin.