how to export extensions of Google Chrome?

or you can use the following command to export

- chrome://extensions/
- shift+ctrl+j
- paste this :
returnExtensionsData=function(a){var o=[];for(var i=0,e=a.extensions,len=a.extensions.length;i<len;i++){o.push({id:e[i].id,name:e[i].name});}console.log('var extdata='+JSON.stringify(o)+';');};requestExtensionsData();

If you want to import , paste the output in the destination browser and run

 returnExtensionsData=function(a){var o={};for(var i=0,e=a.extensions,len=e.length;i<len;i++){o[e[i].id]={name:e[i].name};}importExtensionsData(o);};
 function importExtensionsData(exts){var version=/Chrome\/([\.\d]+)/.exec(navigator.appVersion)[1];var lang=navigator.language;for(var i=0,len=extdata.length;i<len;i++){if(!exts[extdata[i].id]){var url=''+extdata[i].id+'%26uc%26lang%3D'+lang+'&prod=chrome&prodversion='+version;con

More details here.

If you're using the Dev version of Chrome, it supports ExtensionSync

Else refer to Shiki's comment.

Just save the Application Data folder and copy it back when you've deleted Ubuntu and installed Win back. (Put the fun aside, if you save your application data ,(folders related to chrome), that should be enough if you copy them to your linux