How to remap special keys on my keyboard [duplicate]

Okay I found it!

Here(archived), is all what you can find about key remapping. Keytweak(archived) work fine for me, is a free keyboard remapper for Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/Win 7. It makes use of Microsoft's Scancode Map registry key to remap your keyboard.

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This thing lets you remap one of your Internet / Email or Search keys to a sleep key !

It may not work for your keyboard model, make sure you have the latest driver.

If you're willing to put a little time into it, you may be able to pull it off with AutoHotkey. See How to catch special application keys?

Once you have the proper code for your key, I think you would put something like this in the AHK file:

[keycode]::Run %windir%\system32\rundll32 powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState

To build on Wil's answer, that is.

I don't know a way to remap an existing key such as the shortcut ones - however you can do the following :

Open up notepad or any text editor and write :

%windir%\system32\rundll32 powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState

Save this anywhere (can be in any folder) as anything you like as long as it has an extension of .cmd or .bat

Next, make a shortcut to this script from anywhere and right click it. Set up a shortcut key - can be anything, but try not to use something that another application does - using a combination (2 or more) of Ctrl+Alt+Shift along with another key.

Now, whenenver you type this combination, you should go in to suspend.

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In many cases, Sharpkeys should be able to recognize the keys. This isn't really a separate application to interpret your keys, it's really a frontend for remapping the keys in the registry, which means you only need to do it once, and can then remove the program if you don't want to do it again. It could do with better roll-back features, however, so back up your registry before using it.

With this solution, you should not have to worry about your keyboard driver or anything like that.