How to distribute torrent files?

Not knowing what exactly your problem is, I can recommend pscp from parallel-ssh as a tool to upload small files to multiple servers.

You prepare a list of servers to upload to and let it know what to take locally and where to put it remotely. For example:

$ pscp -h list-of-servers file.torrent /tmp/
[1] 02:11:22 [SUCCESS]
[2] 02:11:22 [SUCCESS]
[3] 02:11:22 [SUCCESS]
[4] 02:11:22 [SUCCESS]
[5] 02:11:22 [SUCCESS]
[6] 02:11:22 [SUCCESS]
[7] 02:11:25 [FAILURE] Exited with error code 1

Given they're very small files typically couldn't you just have a 'dropbox' using HTTP with a cron'ed script doing a curl/wget with wildcard?

You could have the torrent clients check an rss feed for new torrent files or switch to magnet links instead of torrent files.

You might want to look into murder

Murder is a method of using Bittorrent to distribute files to a large amount of servers within a production environment. This allows for scaleable and fast deploys in environments of hundreds to tens of thousands of servers where centralized distribution systems wouldn't otherwise function


Murder was/is developed by the folks at twitter, and they're using it daily to distribute files.