remove line break using AWK

If you are using linux then this will substitute newlines to +

awk '{printf "%s+",$0} END {print ""}'

or with sed

sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/+/g'

awk NF=NF RS= OFS=+



EDIT: For the solution with awk, you are looking for this:

awk 'BEGIN {RS=""}{gsub(/\n/,"",$0); print $0}' myfile.txt

Another method to strip all newlines from your file:

tr -d "\n"

An example:

tr -d "\n" < myfile.txt > myfilewithoutnewlines.txt

You are doing this the wrong way. You need to URL-encode your text to get a truly universal solution:

When you do this and use a text like this:

This is 
a test 

you end up with this: This+is+%0d%0aa+test+%0d%0atext.

You can use curl to do this:

curl -G -d username=<user> -d password=<pass> -d phoneno=$var1 \
       --data-urlencode [email protected] \

For more info, see man curl.

I just wanted to point out in @Sirch sed code you can replace the aforementioned, "+" with any other separator. I hope this helps a few beginners!


sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/   /g' #puts 3 spaces between the result