Android SoundPool: get notified when end of played

This sound so simple that I can't figure out why I can't find the answer lol

I have a working sound pool class (thanks to a tutorial and some tweaking I did), and it works fine.

the problem now is that I want to be able to change my background music randomly. (not always have the same music in a loop but have 2 or 3 and when one finishes I play one of the 2 others).

problem is I can't find a way to get notified that the music has finished playing.

Any ideas ?


Solution 1:

This is what I do:

On startup I get the length of each sound-click using a MediaPlayer:

private long getSoundDuration(int rawId){
   MediaPlayer player = MediaPlayer.create(context, rawId);
   int duration = player.getDuration();
   return duration;

and store the sound plus the duration together (in a DTO-type object).

Solution 2:

It can't be done with SoundPool as far as I can tell.

The only audio 'player' that I know which can provide a completion notification is MediaPlayer - it's more of a complex beast than SoundPool but allows setting an OnCompletionListener to be notified when playback is complete.

Solution 3:

I have more than 100 short sound clips and SoundPool is my best option. I want to play one clip just after another clip is finished playing. Upon finding that there is no onCompletionListener() equivalent I chose to implement a runnable. This works for me because the first sound is between 1 and 2 seconds long so I have the duration of the runnable set at 2000. Hope they work on this class because its got lots of potential!

Solution 4:

MediaPlayer is heavy and slow compared with SoundPool, but SoundPool doesn't have setOnCompletionListener. To cope with this issue I implemented a custom class from SoundPool with setOnCompletionListener.

usage: similar to MediaPlayer


SoundPoolPlayer mPlayer = SoundPoolPlayer.create(context, resId);
    new MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener() {
        public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer mp) {  //mp will be null here
            Log.d("debug", "completed");









any pull request is welcomed. I only implemented what I need here.