Is there a PDF viewer with a vertical split screen feature?

I have a very wide PDF and I would like to find a PDF viewer which would allow me to split the screen vertically so I can keep the left side the same while scrolling the right side back and forth.

I found the application, but it only allows one to split the screen horizontally.

Is anyone aware of such a PDF viewer on the Mac?

Solution 1:

A quick look suggests that this feature does not exist in any PDF reader.

One responder on this forum [ ] believes that there are no such readers.

Most of the links in this Google search [ ] are requesting such a feature be implemented in some reader, any reader.

Solution 2:

You can take a snapshot in Skim (File -> Take Snapshot), then using the wonderful ShiftIt move the snapshot and the main view of the pdf to the opposite sides of the screen (vertically) with just a few keystrokes. Or horizontally. Or to all four corners if you want.

Solution 3:

PDFpen 11 seems to support vertical split view of the same pdf.

enter image description here