Can I customize ANSI colors in Terminal without extra tools like SIMBL?

Solution 1: has these colors hard-coded into it. Internal methods like +[NSColor(Terminal) vtRedColor] use hard-coded floating-point constants to set the colors.

As you noted, there are SIMBL plugins that can patch this but you've already noted their current limitations. SIMBL has been updated to support 64-bit applications, so you should contact the authors of the plugins to request that they rebuild them to support 64-bit. There's also another SIMBL plugin to consider.

The only other option for is to write a feature request at and hope that somebody at Apple is enticed to add color customization to for Lion.

Solution 2:

As of Mac OS X Lion 10.7, the sixteen ANSI colors are customizable in Terminal preferences.

Terminal > Preferences > Settings > [profile] > Text > ANSI Colors

Terminal ANSI Color Preferences

When you point at one of the color controls it displays the ANSI color name and number for reference.

When you edit an ANSI color there's a button in the color panel for resetting the individual ANSI color back to its default:

Terminal ANSI Color Panel

A couple of tips about the Settings preference panel:

  • As with most of the Settings, you can select more than one profile at a time (e.g., Shift- or Command-Click, or choose Edit > Select All) and change the colors for all of them at the same time.

  • The Settings preference panel supports Undo (and Redo), so you can try out a change (or several changes) and revert changes you don't like.