Edit an ICC profile

My laptop monitor is currently set up with an existing ICC profile, however, the color temperature is somewhat annoying at the default 6400K value. After some testing I found out, that 6000K is quite good, but setting it everytime with redshift is hacky.

So the solution would be editing the ICC profile itself. For this I have tried to use colormgr without success. Does anybody know a solution?

Solution 1:

Jolly good question. I have only managed to find LProf, which claims to be the only open source ICC profile editor.

LProf is an open source color profiler that creates ICC compliant profiles for devices such as cameras, scanners and monitors. Origanally authored by Marti Maria the creator of LCMS. Marti has graciously consented to the creation of this project.

Unfortunately, there is no repository or .deb file so far so you would need to compile it. The dependencies stated in the readme file seem reasonable, although it does require LCMS itself with which I am not familiar at all, and this is where I left it.

I overcame my problem by browsing similar ICC profiles for my device in sites such as ICC Profiles and Monitor Settings Database and I ended up keeping the one that suits me best.