Uncompress a gzip file from CURL, on php

Solution 1:

Just tell cURL to decode the response automatically whenever it's gzipped

curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_ENCODING, '');

Solution 2:

Use gzdecode:

    $c = file_get_contents("http://torcache.com/" .
    echo gzdecode($c);



Solution 3:

libcurl offers a feature that makes it decompress the contents automatically (if built with zlib).

See the CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING option: https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING.html

Solution 4:

Have you tried setting the header stating that you accept gzip encoding as follows?:

curl_setopt($rCurl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate'));