Looking for a good precalculus/algebra reference

An inexpensive place to turn is the Schaum's Review Series. These have tons of worked examples, and problems with solutions. They are great tools for sharpening your algebra and trig skills. And the bang for the buck is excellent.

Pete, I understand your frustration! many of my students understand the ideas presented in class, but are at times unable to correctly solve a problem because they are not familiar with the required algebraic manipulations involved(which is assumed to be known). I do not have a book to sugguest, but I do want to give you a suggestion: every time you encounter a new "trick" write it down in a notebook and remember it. Often, this so called "tricks" are not tricks at all but routine manipulations. That is, they will keep showing up in the course. If you really want a reference, check out the link below and pay special attention to the algebraic manipulations which you find interesting/or have never seen before. cheers, http://www.sosmath.com/algebra/algebra.html