I met a student that is trying to prove for fun that there are infinitely many primes of the form $n^2+1$. I tried to tell him it's a hard problem, but I lack references. Is there a paper/book covering the problem? Is this problem really hard or I remember incorrectly?

Solution 1:

This is an incredibly difficult problem.

It is one of Landau's 4 problems which were presented at the 1912 international congress of mathematicians, all of which remains unsolved today nearly 100 years later.

Solution 2:

This problem is hard in the sense that it is still unproven. I will provide a set of references, but little conclusive work (as far as I know) has been done on any of them.

This is a conjecture of Hardy; he later generalized it to say: if a, b, c are relatively prime, a is positive, and $(a+b)$ and c are not both even, and $b^2 - 4ac$ is not a perfect square (I know, quite a set of conditions) - then there are infinitely many primes $an^2 + bn + c$.

He does this on pg. 19 of his book.

I should note that it is proved (even in the same book) that there are infinitely many primes of the form $n^2 + m^2$ and $n^2 + m^2 + 1$. (I'm pretty sure).

There is another statement of this conjecture that is earlier - Are there infinitely many primes $p$ such that $p - 1$ is a perfect square? This is a conjecture of Landau, and it amounts to the same thing (but without Hardy's generalization). As far as I know, the greatest work is to show that there are infinitely many numbers $n^2 + 1$ that have at most 2 prime factors, and it's pretty intense.

Finally, there is a far stronger conjecture called the Horn Conjecture or the Bateman Horn Conjecture. It's a sort of generalization of many other conjectures.