How can I find an element by CSS class with XPath?

This selector should work but will be more efficient if you replace it with your suited markup:

//*[contains(@class, 'Test')]

Or, since we know the sought element is a div:

//div[contains(@class, 'Test')]

But since this will also match cases like class="Testvalue" or class="newTest", @Tomalak's version provided in the comments is better:

//div[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' Test ')]

If you wished to be really certain that it will match correctly, you could also use the normalize-space function to clean up stray whitespace characters around the class name (as mentioned by @Terry):

//div[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' Test ')]

Note that in all these versions, the * should best be replaced by whatever element name you actually wish to match, unless you wish to search each and every element in the document for the given condition.

Most easy way..


Assuming you want to find <div class="Test"> as described.

The ONLY right way to do it with XPath :

//div[contains(concat(" ", normalize-space(@class), " "), " Test ")]

The function normalize-space strips leading and trailing whitespace, and also replaces sequences of whitespace characters by a single space.


If not need many of these Xpath queries, you might want to use a library that converts CSS selectors to XPath, as CSS selectors are usually a lot easier to both read and write than XPath queries. For example, in this case, you could use the selector div.Test to get the exact same result.

Some libraries I've been able to find :

  • For JavaScript : css2xpath & css-to-xpath
  • For PHP : CssSelector Component
  • For Python : cssselect
  • For C# : css2xpath Reloaded
  • For GO : css2xpath

I'm just providing this as an answer, as Tomalak provided as a comment to meder's answer a long time ago

//div[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' Test ')]