What is the word for someone who had the same job or position as someone else in the past?
Predecessor primarily means what you've written: a person who held a job or office before the current holder. So, it applies when we are talking of a specific position like "(official) Critic at so-and-so organisation/establishment". For a critic in general, it is not very appropriate as there can be multiple critics existing in parallel (perhaps employed by different establishments or even in "freelance" capacity).
The terms preceded & predated are more appropriate in this context.
As a critic, Eliot preceded/pre-dated Greenblatt.
1 Come before (something) in time.‘She was preceded in death by her husband and is survived by two daughters.’
Exist or occur at a date earlier than (something)‘What that shows is that there is a natural global low frequency electromagnetic signal pre-dating life on earth, so we have evolved in the presence of this signal.’