Appropriate Word or Phrase that Means "Determine Whether an Action is Permitted"

Is there a good couple-/few-word phrase to express the idea that an actor's intendended purpose is to determine whether an action is permitted/approved/authorized versus denied/disapproved/rejected? I'll note that I'm subtly not talking about the actual approval/rejection itself, but rather the determination of which end action to take.

At the moment, I'm clunkily describing this as "determine permission", but that feels inaccurate because one might determine that something is not permitted.

An example would be "This committee will review the application, and send a judgement of whether a member's request should be approved or denied to the appropriate administrator; its members alone [determine permission] for requests."

Note: I am actually using this as the name for a function in code, so unfortunately I am unable to get creative with rephrasing in order to circumvent the problem.

Solution 1:

I would say assess permissibility.

To assess means to evaluate the ability of someone/something to be/do something:

to make a decision about a person or situation after considering all the information:

  • The consultant was hired to assess the impact of the buyout on consumers. (Cambridge)

Permissibility is defined by FreeDictionary as meaning:

admissibility as a consequence of being permitted.

So your context would be:

This committee will review the application, and send a judgement of whether a member's request should be approved or denied to the appropriate administrator; its members alone assess permissibility for (I would also suggest of) requests.