Jenkins pipeline template

An approach that works well for us is to put parts of the pipeline (those that all projects have in common) or even the whole pipeline into a Jenkins shared library.


The following script (template.groovy) is defined as global variable in a Jenkins shared library. The method creates a new declarative pipeline (it also works for scripted pipeline syntax). All project specific properties are provided via the templateParams map.

 * Defines a pipeline template (as a sample with one job parameter 
 * that should be common for all pipelines)
def createMyStandardDeclarativePipeline(Map templateParams) {   

    pipeline {
        agent any
        parameters {
            string(name: 'myInput', description: 'Some pipeline parameters')
        stages {
            stage('Stage one') {
                steps {
                    script {
                        echo "Parameter from template creation: " + templateParams.someParam
            stage('Stage two') {
                steps {
                    script {
                        echo "Job input parameter: " + params.myInput

Using this global variable, the following line creates a pipeline from our template:

template.createMyStandardDeclarativePipeline(someParam: 'myParam')


This concept makes it easy to define pipeline templates and reuse them in several projects.

Applied on the example given in the question, you can create a delivery pipeline for a project with a simple one-liner:

template.createStandardDeliveryPipeline(serviceName: 'myService', 
                                        testEnv: '', 
                                        productionEnv: '')

Update (30-09-2017): Declaring a pipeline block in a shared library is now officially supported with Declarative Pipelines version 1.2 . See:

Update (06-10-2017): An extended example can now be found here: