SSH Agent Forwarding Not Working [closed]

SSH Agent Forwarding stopped working for me.

Any ideas as to what might be going on? I'm attaching my logs below:

Connecting to the server:

Connecting to github on server:



Additional Info:

I've been using the ssh forwarding guide on github to troubleshoot -

echo "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" works both on the server and my local machine, and I have checked both .ssh/config and /etc/ssh_config - they're set up correctly.

However, the forwarding doesn't seem to be actually working - "ssh -T [email protected]" works locally, but not if I run it on the server.

Everything's working fine for a colleague - when he runs the "ssh -T [email protected]" command on the server, he authenticates with github successfully.

Solution 1:

I recreated my ssh keys, this time with a passphrase, and everything works great.