Snow Leopard not reading NTFS

I just upgraded a brand new Macbook Pro that I bought with 10.5 installed to Snow Leopard.

After doing the upgrade I am trying to access NTFS partitions on my external hard drive but they are just not showing up. I went ahead and installed Windows 7 using Parallels, and I can access the NTFS partitions from within Windows, but not from Mac OS X. I know that Snow Leopard should be able to at least read NTFS drives, so what is going on here?

Solution 1:

As a temporary solution until you can get NTFS to natively work, I suggest using MacFuse and ntfs3g (I've used them in Leopard and the experience is pretty seamless). To be honest, I'm pretty sure that's what Apple uses in Snow Leopard anyway. They are free, mature, open-source projects, that are also used in various Linux distributions to enable the NTFS read/write capability.