If there is honey, the bees will come from nine mountains away

This idiomatic expression implies that, if there is a favorable financial situation ( a situation in which money can be made ) people who would like to use such a situation to their advantage, will cover long distances to make the most of it. Is there a similar expression in English ?

Solution 1:

Like bees to a honeypot.
Like bees to honey

like bees to/round a honeypot
If something attracts people like bees to a honeypot or like bees round a honeypot, it attracts people in large numbers.
Collins Dictionary

1A container for honey. ‘she always had men hovering round her like bees round a honeypot’
Oxford Living Dictionaries

like bees/flies around a honeypot
surrounding someone or something that is attractive or interesting
Macmillan Dictionary

I haven't found "Like bees to honey" in a dictionary but if you do a search you get quite a few results.