Grub chainloader doesn't work with Windows 8 [duplicate]

What should I enter below to run Windows 8 from the Grub menu? I'm a total newbie, and it doesn't work from the beginning somehow.

Ubuntu works perfectly fine, but Windows gives me some error message like incorrect something (Secure Boot forbids loading module and unknown command 'drivemap'). I know I need to change something here to make it work, but I don't know what.

menuentry "Windows 8" {
set root = "(hd0,4)"

  chainloader +1


I got a purple screen with this error message:

error: Secure Boot forbids loading module from (hd3, gpt0)/boot/grub/normal.mod.
error: no such device: 861287C9128786A9.
error: unknown command ‘drivemap’.
error: no such partition.

Press any key to continue..._

Update: I disabled Secure Boot, and again I got a purple screen with the following error message:

error: unknown command ‘drivemap’.
error: invalid EFI file path.

Press any key to continue..._

menuentry "Windows 8 (loader) (on /dev/sda2)" --class windows8 --class os {
        insmod ntfs
        set root='(hdo,2)'
        search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set 5e32cd5e32cd3bb1
        drivemap -s (hD0) ${root}
        chainloader +1