14.04: login loops back on itself - ecryptfs

This problem follows on from 14.04: No Auto login at User Account settings - I am administrator (see all comments)

I tried to remove encryption via this link How can I enable autologin for my user account when the option is not there?

but when I tried:

$ mv -rf /home/user
mv: invalid option -- 'r'

after that I was getting cannot remove [etc...] Read Only file system.

I skipped over what couldn't be done and went straight to trying to rm /home/user/.ecryptfs. Finished, rebooted, and now the login screen is stuck on the password login screen

I went here and tried this Login screen loops unless you login as Guest

I inputted command sudo mv .Xauthority .XauthorityBak which resulted in

mv: cannot stat 'X.authority': No such file or directory

I tried

$ mount -rw -o remount /home/[username]
mount: only root can do that

I tried the second answer here Ubuntu gets stuck in a login loop

$ ls -lah
total 8.OK
dr-x------ 2 [username username] 4.OK Dec 15 2014 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4. OK Dec 15 00:10 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 [username username] 56 Oct 24 15:51 Access-Your-PrivateData.desktop -> /usr/share/ecryptfs-utils/ecryptfs-mount-private.desktop
lrwxrwxrwx 1 [username username] 32 Oct 24 15:51 .Private -> /home/.ecryptfs/[username]/.Private
lrwxrwxrwx 1 [username username] 32 Oct 24 15:51 README.txt -> /usr/share/ecryptfs-utils/ecryptfs-mount-private.txt

Solution 1:

Since you could not get unencrypted content and the read-only filesystem problem messed up the steps, login to a TTY (CtrlAltF1) using your username and password, and do:

sudo mkdir /home/bak
sudo mv $HOME /home/bak
sudo mv /home/.ecryptfs /home/bak
sudo cp -R /etc/skel $HOME
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME

In order, these commands do:

  • Make a backup directory
  • Move your current home directory to the back up, as well as the .ecryptfs folder
  • Make a new home folder using the basic profile in /etc/skel
  • Assign you as the owner of the new home folder.

Now, try logging into the GUI (CtrlAltF7) using your username.