Eclipse doesn't stop at breakpoints

Eclipse 3.5.2 is not stopping in breakpoints. It's as if the debugger is using an older version of the source file.

Tried the usual refresh, clean all projects, build all, with no change.

Already in debug mode and the break point is checked.

*ok ended up deleting the whole project and checking it out again. but still curious what the issue was.

Perhaps you have pushed the Skip all Breakpoints button in the Breakpoints view.

Thanks guys, this really saved my day too. I antecedently pressed on skip break points, if you did the same this will result on break point appearing with a backslash icon on them.

To bring it back to normal:

  1. Switch to Debug perspective.
  2. press on the breakpoints view tap -->> upper right hand corner of the screen, you also can go there by Window->show view-> breakpoints.
  3. 5th icon from the left you will see break point with backslash. press on that one.

To confirm, try putting break point on any line, and it should appear normally.