It is possible in vscode to put the terminal on the right?

Is it possible to move/open the terminal window to the right of the screen? That would allow me to optimize the editor spaces to work in more efficiently.

In vscode when we use Ctrl+I For example, open a terminal just below where the files are open,

Solution 1:

💡 Right Side Terminal Feature has been implemented.💡

Right click on the Terminal tab and select Move Views to Side Panel | Move Panel Right.

Current Version (Feb 2022) <Feb 2022
Latest Version Previous to Feb 2022

Solution 2:

View > Appearance > Toggle Panel Position, which hides the panel, does the trick for me.

It also saves the state so that next time it opens the Terminal to the right.

Solution 3:

As of the end of 2017, there is a button to do that: click on icon on the top right "Move to right" (if you don't see it, resize you windows).

Edit 2020: This answer is no longer correct for the new version, see @ΩmegaMan's answer (in brief: right click on the terminal bar)

Solution 4:

Another option, offered with VSCode 1.58 (June 2021):

By creating a terminal in the editor aera itself, you can put said terminal wherever you want!

Integrated Terminal

Terminals in the editor area

Terminals can now be created in or moved to the editor area, enabling a multi-dimensional grid layout that persists and remains visible regardless of panel state.

Create terminals via the Create Terminal in Editor Area command.

Move a terminal from the panel to the editor by dragging and dropping from the tabs list, running Move Terminal into Editor Area with a terminal focused, or selecting the context menu action.

4 terminals in the editor area are laid out in a 2 by 2 grid

Canvas renderer

In a prior iteration, we removed the terminal.integrated.rendererType setting in favor of terminal.integrated.gpuAcceleration when we enabled the WebGL renderer by default.

Some architectures have improved terminal performance when using the canvas renderer.

To use the canvas renderer, set terminal.integrated.gpuAcceleration to canvas.

New terminal settings

  • Set terminal.integrated.defaultLocation to editor to direct newly created terminals to the editor area.

  • Set terminal.integrated.showLinkHover to false to disable link hovers in the terminal.
    This can be useful if you find them distracting, for example.