Change default width of gnome-terminal and terminator windows

Terminator does allow you setting up a default size. :)

Just open the file ~/.config/terminator/config with your favorite editor. You should have a section titled [layouts]. You only need to add a line within the sub-section named [[[window0]]] belonging to the [[default]] section. My configuration file, for instance, looks like this:

  enabled_plugins = CustomCommandsMenu, InactivityWatch, ActivityWatch, TerminalShot, LaunchpadCodeURLHandler, LaunchpadBugURLHandler
    scrollbar_position = hidden
    visible_bell = True
    scrollback_lines = 1000000
    foreground_color = "#ffffff"
    copy_on_selection = True
    background_color = "#300a24"
      type = Terminal
      parent = window0
      profile = default
      type = Window
      parent = ""
      profile = None
      size = 900, 600

The relevant part is only the line starting with "size", of course.

In terminator the GUI option for size is not there. A simple way to set up this is --

First open terminator and set the window size according to your need and comfort.

Right click and go to preference and then to layout.

Click on the terminal name under window and then save the layout.

Thats it, It will open the terminator in the same size, as you have set up, next time you open it.

I don't know about terminator, but in gnome-terminal there's an option under the profile settings to set the starting dimensions to any number of rows and columns you want, specifically Edit->Profile Preferences.

Hey. Assuming that you're calling up terminal from a panel menu or launcher icon, you can just change the instructions in that launcher to included desired geometry.

For example, I have a launcher for gnome-terminal on my gnome-panel which opens up to 80x40. Right click -> properties: command - set to "gnome-terminal (or terminator, whatever) --geometry=80x40"


try this for gnome-terminal:

go to edit >> profile preferences

look down:

default size: 80 (you want to increase this)
colums: 24: (you want to increase this too!)

sorry if that are not the "right labels", i'm using ubuntu in spanish